Various medium formats
Various medium formats
The Roland Buraud collection has been under the direction and management of Etienne Buraud since 2009.
Collectors' Views
by Dominik Manns, teacher

“A large painting, cut out and resurrected”
I have known Roland's painting since 1992, when I met Étienne.
His large paintings, with their suspended figures, are therefore familiar memories, and when we decided to buy one of his paintings, Roland presented us with a series of one hundred small formats. These images seemed to us to be triply interesting and delightful. Firstly, because of their origin, since Roland had explained to us that the canvas of the small formats came from a large painting, cut up and resurrected. Then, because they allowed us to recreate the suspended movement, the eye circulating from image to image. Finally, because by arranging our polyptych as we wished, the visual combinations seemed infinite to us.
Our choice was guided towards a joyful reading of floating bodies, touches of blue on each of our ten images gave them coherence. They are arranged today in three lines and three columns forming a square, after having been for a long time a simple line of color and air. These miniatures gave us the opportunity to spend a long time in the studio choosing, talking, hesitating and exchanging with Roland. They are present in everyday life, still capable of varying their combinations. Ultimate gesture of friendship: when our first child was born, a package was addressed to him: it contained an eleventh image.
Dominik Manns, teacher